
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Seindah Mawar, Secantik Kumbang

Duhai teman, sesungguhnya dirimu adalah sebaik-baik kejadian..

Namun ketahuilah, Allah tidak memandang kepada rupamu dan hartamu..tetapi semulia-mulia insan di sisiNya adalah yang paling bertaqwa di antara kamu..

Kecantikan lelaki adalah pada kjujurannya, sntiasa memelihara maruah diri dari terjerumus ke lembah kehinaan lantaran nafsu yang bergelora.

Menghiasi diri dengan pengetahuan agama yang mantap, menyuluh nurani dengan iman dan sentiasa bertaqarrub akan membuahkan kedamaian.

Jika roh kebenaran terhakis dengan debu-debu noda dan dosa, maka musnahlah harapan dan robohlah sendi kejayaan.

Wanita yang paling cantik adalah yang baik akhlaknya, berseri wajahnya, mencintai dan merindui suaminya serta tak banyak memandang kepada lelaki lain.

Pandangan tersebut akan memusnahkan fikiran dan kalbu serta peribadi. sebaliknya jika memandang dengan mata hati, kebenaran dan tawadhuk, maka mereka menjadi wangian menghiasi taman-taman dunia dan akhirat.

Duhai teman-temanku..

Indah sungguh seulas bibirmu itu..

maka hiasilah ia dengan alunan zikrullah..[ dan berzikirlah kamu kepadaNya, nescaya hati2 akan menjadi tenang..]

Cantikkan ia dengan segaris senyuman ikhlasmu..ssungguhnya ia adalah sedekah yang paling mudah..

jauhilah dari sebarang umpatan dan fitnah keji, kerana keduanya akan menjerumuskan kamu ke dalam neraka..

Ayu dan tampan sungguh wajahmu tatkala lirikan matamu mempesona mata yang memandang..

tetapi secantik manapun iris bola matamu itu, tak berguna jika kamu pergunakannya ke jalan yang diharamkan..

wahai sahabat-sahabat seperjuanganku, jauhilah matamu dari memandang yang ajnabi..

Ingatlah bahawa sesungguhnya pandangan itu adalah satu panahan syaitan..

Sekilas pandangan rahmat yang datang, sekali pandangan jangan kau ulang..

Sahabat-sahabatkuku, gunakanlah ia untuk melihat keagungan ciptaan Illahi..mudah-mudahan kamu beroleh petunjuk dan hidayah..

Wahai wanita-wanita muslimah..

Jagalah auratmu sebelum auratmu ditutupkan..ingatlah seusai baginda Rasulullah SAW melewati neraka di kala diisrakkan, baginda menceritakn bahawa penghuni-penghuni neraka itu kebanyakannya adalah mereka yang tidak menutup aurat dan yang menderhaka kepada suaminya..

Tutuplah auratmu dgn sempurna sepertimana Firman Allah di dalam surah An-nur di mana wanita muslimah diwajibkan melabuhkan jilbabnya hingga ke paras dada, dan tutuplah auratmu kpd lelaki2 kcuali yg mahram..

Janganlah kamu berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang [ dengan berpakaian nipis serta mengikut bentuk badan]

Jagalah maruahmu dan serahkan ia kepada yang benar-benar berhak iaitu suamimu yang tercinta..

Moga akhlak menjadi hiasanmu, moga Al-quran menjadi temanmu, moga Jannatunnaim tempat tinggalmu..

Rasulullah SAW bersabda,"dunia itu adalah perhiasan, dan seindah-indah hiasan adalah wanita solehah.."

Understanding Islam: Who Is Allah?

The Lord of Creation

Allah is The Lord of all created things
in the seen and unseen worlds.

Everything in Creation worships
and submits to Him.

The faith of Muslims is Islam.
It means submission to the Will of Allah.

No Pictures

Allah is beyond the grasp of
human vision. He is unlike anything
that human mind can imagine.

Therefore drawing pictures or making
statues that represent Him as a human,
a semi-human or an animal is unacceptable
and considered a major sin in Islam.

Not a guy

If you speak English,you use the words
'him' and 'she' a lot and it is very easy
to give people wrong ideas about God.

The female equivalent for 'God' is 'Goddess'.
Some believe that God has female partners,
Reducing God to a human family person
is unacceptable in Islam.

The Almighty calls Himself 'Allah'
in The Qur'an.

The Arabic word has no plural
and no male or female equivalents.

Oh, by the way,The Almighty
is not an old who posed
for Michelangelo!

Attributes of Allah

Some books refer to to the '99 names' of
Allah. These names are attributes of Allah.

Allah is referred to as Merciful, Just and
Compassionate. More than 99 attributes
of Allah are mentioned in The Qur'an.

Allah is Eternal

Allah is eternal. He was not created.
He existed before He created.

His creations need Him but He doesn't
need them for existence.

Allah does not have a son or assistants.
If He needs the help of others,
then He would not be self-sufficient
and be in need of a Creator.

Nothing is like Him.

The Creator cannot be of the same nature
as the things He created. His creations
have a beginning and an end.

Allah existed before the beginning
and will remain after the end.

Ever Living

The notion that The Almighty needed
a rest day after creating the heavens
and earth is a human innovation and
not The Almighty's view of Himself.

It is those who were not involved
in Creation that are taking the rest!

Created things 'burn out'.
Allah is ever living.

The One True God

Allah is a proper noun unique to The One
True God Who alone deserves all worship.

He is the God of all Prophets that
He chose to convey His message.

Among the well-known Prophets are Noah,
Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus and the final
Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon them).

The Compassionate

Our suffering is caused by our failure
to adhere to what He has premitted and
refrain from what He has prohibited.

There are times when, for example,
we cannot explain why bad things
happen to good people.

Allah knows best.
We must seek His help in prayer.

The Merciful

In The Qur'an. The Almighty states that
He will forgive the sins of the Believers
who repent sincerely and
do not repent their sins.

Many will say that they too believes in
The One True God but their daily lives are
infused with idolatrous practices such as
wearing talismans and worshipping statues.

The Almighty declared in The Qur'an that He
will not forgive the worshipping of false gods.


Dr. Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D

Saturday, January 9, 2010

*Special For You

'Dear Friend..'  *From Weheartit.com

 One day everything will change
As I move on my days
Leaving all my loved ones behind
So I say a little prayer
Hope my dreams will take me there
Where our world built blissfully

Everything now seems like contradicting me
Like an endless turning of a wheel
Like a soft feather falling
With the rhythm of the wind
Controlling my life
In the blink of an eye
Changes our world into nightmares

Now I learn to adapt
Understanding what life is all about
Where patience and strength needed
All I want is you by my side
In this world of the intelligence

I know I have to keep holding on
To reach the brightest star
In the vast eternal sky
Where only tears and sweat
Can take and guide me
Safely through this challenging journey of life

Dear friends
Without you
Nothing more I can do

[Apabila terkuaknya pintu kejahilan, mencurah-curah hidayah masuk melaluinya..]